Software – FPP 5.2 Released
On August 3rd, FPP 5.0 (Falcon Player) was released! A brand new, modern interface is one of the most visible enhancements and it looks great. You can find the list of all the enhancements, improvements, fixes, and updates at,14295.0.html
Update for September 3rd – Updates to FPP have pushed the latest version up to 5.1. You can find the latest releases at
Update for September 26th – FPP 5.2 is out –,14447.0.html
If you’re just looking for the image downloads (now out-of-date):
- For Raspberry Pi series including Pi B, Pi B+, Pi 3, Pi 3+, Pi 4 and Pi Zero use this image – - For Beaglebone Black, Beaglebone Green, PocketBeagle, and Beaglebone Green Gateway use this image –